
WVA prijst het Britse standpunt over vapen!

The WVA (World Vapers Alliance) have been investigating successful tobacco harm reduction policies worldwide to prove it is possible to create effective regulation.

In their article “Successful Harm Reduction is not a fantasy” several countries are praised for their stance on THR (Tobacco Harm Reduction).

You can also read the full report in PDF format “Learning from the best: A Tobacco Harm Reduction Primer“.

The main countries singled out for praise are the UK, Sweden, Japan and New Zealand for various different sectors of THR.

Wonderful news, we are regulated, but I feel that compared to the ignorance and negativity towards vaping elsewhere in the world we are doing pretty well.

Sweden is close to becoming the first country to reach a “Smoke Free” goal with their current smoking rates of 5.6%! Snus, Vaping and Nicotine pouches are easily available and have surpassed combustible smoking.

New Zealand gets commended for their communication and their tough stance on tobacco. Plus their Ministry of Health recommend vaping and produce accurate communication such as their website “Vaping Facts“.


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