
WVA lanceert vaping-campagne in Tsjechië

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) launched its European campaign to back vaping and beat smoking in Prague, Czech Republic, to encourage politicians to support vaping as an effective harm reduction tool.

As a part of the campaign, WVA delivered the Vaping Products Directive to the Minister of Health in the Czech Republic. The global advocacy group for vapers’ rights hosted a protest art installation in the city center of Prague with the message “Don’t Let 19 Million Lives Fall.” The installation displayed a set of falling dominoes that represent lives fallen from smoke-induced illnesses, according to a release.

“Every year, more than 700,000 people in Europe and 17,000 in the Czech Republic die from tobacco-smoking illnesses. These are catastrophic numbers if we think about how many lives could be saved by consumer-friendly vaping regulations. Therefore, we hope the Czech government further increases its commitment towards harm reduction,” said Michael Landl, director of the WVA. “The Czech government also needs to push back against attacks on vaping and other less harmful alternatives on the EU level. Our #BackVapingBeatSmoking campaign serves to raise awareness that 19 million lives in Europe could be saved if we embrace vaping as a powerful tool to quit smoking in the Czech Republic and on the EU level.”


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