World Vapers’ Alliances says Biden ‘misses the mark’ Following Announ …

Cancer Moonshot’, which was originally unveiled back in 2016 when Biden was Vice President, has been issued a new lease of life following reignited White House leadership.

According to The White House website, the core goal is to: “Reduce the death rate from cancer by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years.

“Improving the experience of people and their families living with and surviving cancer…by doing this and more, it could end cancer as we know it today.”

An additional $240 million has made its way into the money pot to aid in executing this, with the hopes of finding new ways to prevent, detect, treat and ultimately survive cancer.

One of the latest areas for concern is tobacco-related illnesses and deaths, which will be targeted in a number of ways according to an updated proposal:

  • New investments to reduce the impact of menthol and other flavoured commercial tobacco products in communities that experience health disparities.
  • An updated plan to decrease the impact of smoking on Americans’ health by expanding efforts to prevent smoking and to support everyone who wants to quit.
  • A pilot program to increase veteran engagement in tobacco use treatment.
  • New resources and actions to reduce exposures to environmental carcinogens.

It also lays out plans of CVS Health ‘launching an expanded smoking cessation program in a dozen states’, which would involve assessment, prescribing and counselling at their retail pharmacies.

In response to Cancer Moonshot’s recent plan of action, The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) says it ‘misses the mark’ in prioritising tobacco harm reduction as a way to support public health concerns.

Whilst all is well and good in addressing such a prolific matter, the WVA believes that the Biden Administration should join countries such as Sweden in implementing a more ‘inclusive’ strategy.

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