
Vaping advocacy group launches an art installation in Brussels

Brussels, Belgium, May 11, 2022  – A global alliance of vapers gathered in Brussels today to call on European policymakers to stand against possible bans on vape flavours. The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) displayed an art installation in front of the European Parliament with a simple message “Flavours help smokers quit”. 


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This marks the third event of WVA’s Europe-wide campaign #FlavoursMatter. The campaign was launched with one aim: to show policymakers in Europe and across the world that vape flavours are instrumental for smoking cessation. The group hosted demonstrations in Stockholm, Sweden and the Hague, Netherlands in March 2022. Shortly after the demonstration, a postponement of the dutch vape flavour ban by six months was announced in the Netherlands. 

“Flavours play a crucial role in helping consumers quit smoking – millions of Europeans have already stopped by switching to vaping. The variety of flavours is one of the most important reasons many people switch to e-cigarettes and never go back to smoking. We have already seen that vaping works! It helped millions of  people change their lives and now, we need policies to catch up. Therefore, we are delighted that some MEPs are with us and help to defend vaping flavours,” says Michael Landl, director of World Vapers Alliance.

The installation was attended by Member of the European Parliament Pietro Fiocchi. 

“We all agree that not smoking is the best choice, but we also know very well that tax increases and limitations are not working solutions! I do strongly believe that alternative systems to traditional smoking are the biggest instrument to greatly reduce the percentage of lung diseases and cancer! Any ideological approach against such systems is negative and against any scientific data!,” said Fiocchi.

Consumers from across Europe can join the campaign to make their voices heard and also contact their political representatives via WVA’s action centers and share their vaping stories to convince policymakers to avoid flavour bans: 


“We need to raise our voice and tell policymakers about all the positive effects flavours play in helping smokers quit. The data shows that adults who vape flavoured e-cigarettes are 230% meer kans om te stoppen met roken than those who use unflavoured e-cigarettes, and we have to make sure that this is taken into account when the next regulations are drafted. That is why we are here in Brussels with one simple message: flavours matter!” added Landl.


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