Vapers To Pay More In Latvia

Latvian government is to increase e-liquids taxation and in doing so making tobacco harm reduction less appealing to current smokers. The move has been decried by the World Vapers’ Alliance, which has called the anti-science approach and demanded the Latvian authorities follow an evidence-based approach towards the taxation of alternative nicotine products.

The Latvian government adopted a series of amendments to the Excise Tax Law which include a gradual increase in the excise tax on e-liquids and other tobacco substitute products.

E-liquids and their components will see their excise tax rates increase by an average of 21% every year in 2024, 2025 and 2026, while tobacco substitute products, a category including nicotine pouches, will do so by 10%.

The World Vapers’ Alliance says the amendments will negatively impact Latvia’s efforts to curb smoking by making options to switch less attractive.

Alberto Gómez Hernández, Community Manager of the World Vapers’ Alliance, commented: “Increasing the taxation of safer nicotine products will discourage smokers from switching and push users back to smoking.

“The international evidence has shown that increasing taxation of e-cigarettes and e-liquids has always led to an increase in smoking, particularly among young adults and low-income groups.

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