
Turkish Vapers’ Alliance Joins the WVA!

World Vapers’ Alliance is excited to announce that the Turkish Vapers’ Alliance will be joining us as a partner organisation!

Turkish Vapers’ Alliance’s is a newly established vaping association. Its mission is to increase the participation of the country’s citizens in public health policies by raising awareness about the benefits of harm reduction and consumer choice.

Turkish Vapers’ Alliance observes the response of the country’s government to public health policies and fights unreasonable restrictions while promoting pro-consumer strategies with a focus on harm reduction.

“As in many other parts of the world, vaping in Turkey is under a regulatory burden. WVA is thrilled to welcome the Turkish Vapers’ Alliance on board and work together to provide scientific data and evidence to embrace vaping as a harm reduction method in Turkey.” – said Liza Katsiashvili, WVA’s community manager.

Read more about the Turkish Vapers’ Alliance by following them on Twitter @TurkishVapers.


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