
The Italian E-Cig Market Seems to be Recovering Despite Harsh Restrictions

A recent drop in vape taxes seems to be effecting the local vape market positively, despite restrictions on vaping set last year.

In 2023, Italian Health Minister Orazio Schillaci revealed comprehensive measures to combat local smoking rates. Addressing the Social Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Schillaci outlined strategies aligned with the European Cancer Plan‘s objective of creating a ‘tobacco-free generation.’

The Minister had explained that the multifaceted plan aimed to protect citizens’ health, with a focus on restricting smoking in open-air spaces, curbing smoking in the presence of minors, and extending the ban on smoking rooms in enclosed premises. The proposed measures included an extension of the ban on smoking in open-air areas when minors and pregnant women are present, as well as a ban on placing smoking rooms within closed premises.

Sadly however, the proposed restrictions had been extended to vaping products and heated tobacco devices. Minister Schillaci emphasized the need to address the escalating prevalence of new tobacco and nicotine products, saying that the emerging evidence of potential health risks associated with these products must be considered. To this effect, the Minister included new nicotine products in the existing advertising ban on cigarettes.

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