
The FDA knows the Importance of Flavors and AVM has the Proof

In a FOIA discovery done by American Vapor Manufacturers an internal report marked “confidential” clearly shows that the FDA not only knew but acknowledged the facts about this lifesaving technology. These facts (see picture below) clearly show that Flavored ENDS use is common in ADULTS, not just common but 75% of users were using flavors other than tobacco! 

These results that the FDA is and has been aware of show that the decision making coming from the agency is NOT based on science or what is best for adults smokers who are actually using these products. 

I am sure that vapers everywhere are furious at this concrete proof that the FDA has internally acknowledged, yet still continues to deem any and all flavored products “not APPH” while fully aware that removing these products from the market and solely leaving tobacco flavors DOES NOT WORK for the adults using these products. They have the data, they know the truth yet they still refuse to do anything about it. As my friend Michael Redfern stated in response to this AVM post “is this the science that FDA says it doesn’t have? Fascinating….” Yes Michael, we agree with you, it sure is fascinating.


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