
Schotland kondigt generatieverbod op tabak aan, inclusief vapen

While New Zealand has just announced it is repealing its plans for a a generational tobacco ban, Scotland has just announced a similar measure.

Scotland is considering implementing a generational smoking ban which would prevent anyone born in 2009 or later (currently 14 or younger) from legally purchasing tobacco or vaping products. In response to the announcement, tobacco harm reduction (THR) experts are raising concerns about the potential unintended consequences of such a measure.

Michael Landl, Director of the Wereld Vapers' Alliantie (WVA), said that while curbing smoking is crucial, extending the ban to vaping is problematic. Authorities need to differentiate between smoking and vaping and focus on enforcing existing laws effectively while addressing the reasons teenagers start smoking or vaping instead of adding another layer of prohibition.

Infact, delving deeper into this last point, studies have indicated that adolescents facing challenges like mental health issues and poor academic performance are more prone to vaping, with 51% citing anxiety relief as a motive. This pattern parallels findings related to smoking behavior.

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