Vaping in Australia with Senator Hollie Hughes

Welcome to the “Vaping Unplugged Podcast”. In this compelling episode, we are honored to have Hollie Hughes, the Liberal Senator for NSW, as our guest. Sworn into the 46th Parliament on 1 July 2019, Senator Hughes has been an influential figure in the discourse on vaping and its implications in Australia. On 6 October 2020, she further solidified her role in this discussion when the Senate resolved to establish the Select Committee on Tobacco Harm Reduction, with Hollie proudly elected as its Chair.Today Senator Hollie speaks on the pressing issues surrounding vaping. We delve deep into the complications of vaping in Australia. From the ineffectiveness of the prescription model to the alarming rise of black markets due to stringent regulations – Senator Hughes paints a comprehensive picture of an issue that’s spiraling out of control.This is Vaping …


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