
Make Your Voice Heard: Join the Fight for a Better Regulation in Australia!

The New South Wales Parliament in Australia is reviewing its regulation of e-cigarettes and has opened an inquiry to better understand its impact on users. Australia’s e-cigarette regulation allows the sale of nicotine-containing e-cigarettes only to adults with a medical prescription. Since the number of doctors who can prescribe nicotine products is very low, this is a huge barrier for smokers who want to quit smoking with the help of vaping, which has led to the creation of a huge black market. In fact, it is estimated that only 8% of Australian vapers have a prescription, while the remaining 92% would have acquired their products illegally.

We need you to join the fight and make your voice heard! Explain to Australian politicians how vaping changed your life for the better and why it is important for you to have easy access to the products.

Your participation in the inquiry is crucial to ensure the rights and choices of Australian vapers are protected and to prevent minors from using e-cigarettes. The consultation ends November 5th! Hieronder vindt u een gids over waarom het belangrijk is dat u deelneemt en hoe u dat kunt doen!

Hoe deel te nemen:

  1. Bezoek de inquiry page and read the terms of reference of the consultation.
  2. Lezen WVA’s response to the consultation and learn more about how prescription requirements harm public health and encourage illegal trade where minors can access e-cigarettes.
  3. Click hier to fill in your data and get ready to lodge your submission.
  4. Tell Australian politicians how important vaping is for you and how it helped you quit smoking. Help them understand the need for a regulation that allows adults to access e-cigarettes legally and safely. You can do this through a word or pdf file or by filling in the text box on the website.
  5. Attach as supplementary files to your response WVA’s response to the consultation, WVA’s factsheet on vaping and harm reduction, or Colin Mendelsohn’s report on vaping and the Australian regulation.
  6. Click submit and you will have helped millions of smokers and vapers in Australia!
  7. Betrek anderen erbij: moedig uw vaping community, vrienden en familieleden aan om deel te nemen aan de consultatie en hun stem te laten horen. Eenheid onder vapers kan de impact van uw gezamenlijke boodschap versterken.

Participating in the consultation is your chance to advocate for the rights of vapers and contribute to shaping the future of vaping regulations in Australia. Sharing your experience can make Australian politicians understand the role alternative nicotine products can play in the fight against tobacco and the importance of vaping flavours in smoking cessation. Your input can lift the imposition of unnecessary restrictions that are hindering harm reduction efforts and the freedom of choice for vapers. 

Ready to make your voice heard? Follow our participation guide above and protect the rights of Australian vapers!

Let’s stand united for vaping and harm reduction in Australia. Your participation matters!


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