
Khan Review Declared Vaping As ‘Critical’ for Britain’s Smokefree Amb …

Vaping should play a crucial role in helping the government meet its ‘smokefree 2030’ ambitions, according to a landmark new report.

The publication of the long-awaited Khan review into smoking was released in June and has been hailed as a ‘huge step forward’ by the UK Vaping Industry Association…but not everybody is happy.

One of the recommendations in The Khan review states that the legal smoking age should be raised every year until nobody is allowed to buy cigarettes.

This would mean that anyone aged 14 or under today, could NEVER legally buy a cigarette.

Dr Javed Khan, the former chief executive of children’s charity Barnardo’s, said his recommendations must be implemented in full to make smoking obsolete by 2040.

He also wants to bring back ‘stop smoking’ messages on TV, radio and on social media platforms and says the NHS must do more to help smokers quit.

He called for an annual £125 million investment package – ideally funded by the tobacco industry – to ensure that the government meets its smokefree goals.


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