Hoe Zweden de antirookpolitiek van de EU overtreft

European health policy is a failure when it comes to the fight against smoking. The number of cigarette smokers is almost stagnating or, in some countries, even rising, while Sweden will soon achieve the goal of a smoke-free society at the same time.

The smoking rate in the EU is at 25% and more than 700,000 people die yearly from smoking. Most member states will fall miles short of the EU target of a smoking rate of under 5% by 2040 if politics continues as before.

However, a look at Sweden shows that there is another way and the ambitious goal of a smoke-free society is achievable. In Sweden, the smoking rate was 5.6% in 2022 and is expected to fall below the 5% mark this year. Thus, according to the EU definition, Sweden reached the EU target 17 years earlier than targeted and will be smoke-free this year. What makes Sweden different?

The answer is: science-based health policy. Sweden has embraced the concept of tobacco harm reduction and supports the switch from cigarettes to less harmful alternatives such as vaping, nicotine pouches, and snus. As a result, the smoking rate in Sweden has been reduced more than two times faster than in Spain, six times faster than in Germany, and almost twelve times more quickly than in Italy.

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