EU Parliament Rejects Smoke- and Aerosol-free Environments Resolution: A Vi …

Brussels, 28.11.2024 – In a surprising turn of events, the European Parliament has just rejected a resolution that would have equated vaping with smoking in outdoor spaces. This decision marks a significant victory for consumer rights and evidence-based policymaking.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA), stated:

This decision demonstrates that facts and consumer choice can prevail over fearmongering and overregulation, dealing a blow to the creeping nanny state mentality that has too often characterized EU regulations. It shows that when citizens make their voices heard, and when policymakers are presented with clear evidence, positive outcomes are possible. This outcome sets a promising precedent for future EU policymaking, one that respects both public health goals and individual freedoms.”

This rejection of the proposed ban in outdoor spaces is a clear signal that the EU is capable of resisting the temptation to over-regulate every aspect of citizens’ lives. Most importantly, it acknowledges the crucial distinction between vaping and smoking, recognizing vaping’s potential as a harm reduction tool.

Further information about the issue can be found hier.


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