EU-lidstaten maken zich zorgen over uitsluiting van onderhandelingen van de EC

Following recent reports revealing that the European Commission has been trying to push its tobacco control agendas in a deceitful manner, seven EU member states have expressed their serious concern over being excluded from the negotiations which the Commission is plotting to settle during the infamous COP-10.

Earlier this month, a leaked EC document indicated that the EC was trying to extend the EU-wide snus ban to nicotine pouches. This was followed by bewijs that the commission is being deceitful in plotting to bypass parliamentary and public scrutiny, settle such matters in secrecy during the COP-10 conference in Panama, and then just present them to the European Parliament as a done deal

Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, and Slovakia have released a joint statement highlighting the Commission’s shift from the usual consensus-based approach to using Article 218 (9) TFEU. This is very concerning as it gives the Commission a prominent role in the Panama negotiations, which sidelines individual countries, they explained. The member states underlined that the consensus model adhered to in the past nine sessions, has been successful and the lack of warning or explanation for the change is deeply unsettling.

All member states, as well as consumers, should have a seat at the table

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is concerned that crucial discussions impacting millions of vapers and smokers throughout the EU may not accurately represent the different perspectives and interests of all member states. The EC’s apparent anti-harm reduction stance significantly contradicts the more progressive and successful policies adopted by various member states. He stressed the importance of amplifying and listening to the voices of these nations.

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