
CORSA Joins the World Vapers’ Alliance!

The World Vapers’ Alliance is excited to welcome the Consumer Rights of Safer Alternatives (CORSA) as our newest partner!

CORSA is a newly formed group dedicated to protecting consumer rights and advocating for less risky nicotine alternatives to smoking. They aim to raise awareness about harm reduction and empower people to choose healthier options.

“We are just starting our journey but are committed to making a difference. With WVA’s support, we hope to grow and help more people understand the benefits of less harmful alternatives,” said Iftaqurul A. Shiplou, the founder of CORSA.


Liza Katsiashvili, WVA’s Operations Director, said:

“We are thrilled to have CORSA join our community. It’s inspiring to see new groups stepping up to advocate for harm reduction, and we’re here to support them every step of the way.”

We’ll continue building a stronger global voice for vapers and harm reduction!

For more information about CORSA, visit the following page


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