
A Catastrophe In The Making

Taiwan’s vaping ban is a public health catastrophe in the making, says the World Vapers’ Alliance. The country has pushed through legislation to deliver a complete ban on vaping, yet has chosen to go easier on heated tobacco products and allowed the continued sale of tobacco products (albeit taking a small step to restrict use).

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) says it “amplifies the voice of vapers worldwide and empowers them to make a difference in their communities. Our members are vapers associations and individual vapers from all over the world.”

Its director is Michael Landl. He is from Austria and is based in Vienna. He is an experienced policy professional and a passionate vaper. He studied at the University of St. Gallen and worked for several public policy outlets and the German Parliament.

Taiwan’s legislative branch approved a broad ban on vaping and further restrictions on alternative harm-reduction products. In the third reading, the Legislative Yuan voted in favour of the ‘Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act’ amendments to ban electronic cigarettes, regulate the use of heated tobacco products, and raise the smoking age from 18 to 20 years.

The new legislation does not mention vaping directly, instead introducing the term “tobacco-like products”. The manufacture, sale, and supply of such products will now be strictly prohibited. The legislation also introduces heavy fines on illegal e-cigarette operators, with a maximum penalty of NT$50 million (approximately £1.35 million).


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