
Consumers And THR Advocates Concerned About EU-Wide Tax Proposal

Concerns are being raised about an EU leaked draft plan to increase the tax on vaping products given the set backs it may have on decreasing smoking rates.

The proposed EU-wide tax amendments would increase the EU’s minimum excise tax on cigarettes from €1.80 to €3.60 per pack of 20, raising prices in Eastern European countries where packs can be sold for less than 3 euros. Moreover, the Financial Times revealed that the EU Commission plans to “bring the taxation of novel smoking products, such as vapes and heated tobacco, into line with cigarettes.”

Tobacco harm reduction experts and consumer groups alike are highlighting that such a tax will not only have a detrimental effect on public health, but also start a massive new black market for vaping products.

“The Commission claims that higher taxes will improve public health, but the reality is the exact opposite. A less harmful alternative, such as vaping, must be affordable for ordinary smokers trying to quit cigarettes. If the Commission wants to reduce the burden of smoking on public health, they must make vaping more affordable and accessible, not less,” said Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA).


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