France to Ban Disposable Vapes This Year in “Dangerous” Move

France is planning to ban disposable vapes, or “puffs” as they’re known in the country, by the end of the year. The government is citing concerns over youth as justification—and claims that banning the vapes will help reduce tipjip.

On September 3, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne described an impending “new national plan to fight against smoking with, in particular, the prohibition of disposable electronic cigarettes, the famous ‘puffs’ which give bad habits to young people.”

French anti-vaping campaigners, like their counterparts elsewhere, have framed colorful packaging and flavors—which are important to adults who switch from cigarettes—as ploys to entice youth.

The French government prohibited vaping in educational institutions back in 2017, but has now deemed this measure inadequate.

Loïc Josseran, president of the organization Alliance Contre le Tabac(Alliance Against Tobacco), has called the upcoming ban “a great victory for civil society” and endorsed the government’s rationale.

“These disposable e-cigarettes are acting as a gateway to smoking for young people,” he said. “It’s become an epidemic. It is terrible how the tobacco industry has set out to hook children.”

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Aġixxi issa!

Vaping jista 'jsalva 200 miljun ħajja. L-2022 hija s-sena biex din l-opportunità ssir realtà. Għolli leħnek. Ingħaqad fil-kampanja tagħna. 

Ingħaqad magħna

Il-vaping jista’ jsalva 200 miljun ħajja u t-togħmiet għandhom rwol ewlieni biex jgħinu lil min ipejjep jieqfu. Madankollu, dawk li jfasslu l-politika jridu jillimitaw jew jipprojbixxu t-togħmiet, u jpoġġu l-isforz tagħna biex intemmu l-imwiet relatati mat-tipjip fil-periklu.

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