
The World Vapers’ Alliance unites over 145,000 vapers and 39 partner organisations worldwide.

By becoming the WVA ambassador, vape shops have a unique opportunity to join a global network of vapers and connect with thousands of consumers and activists passionately fighting against harmful policies that would negatively affect their rights and businesses.

We are building the world’s largest community of vapers, vaping associations and vape stores. We can provide you with the tools needed to defend your business and stand for vaping in your country.

Vape shops won’t be members of our organizations, but as ambassadors, they can become multipliers of our common message: vaping saves lives.

Join the World Vapers’ Alliance, become an ambassador and make sure OUR voices are heard. Together, we can save 200 million lives!

Why You Should Join:

Stay in the loop

Always stay up to date with the latest vaping breaking news delivered straight to your inbox.

We have the best newsletter about everything vaping.

Raise your voice louder

Find yourself on the WVA Ambassador Locator Map.

Get free access to WVA’s merchandise and other materials for your customers.

Opportunity to co-host local community events and participate in international events.

A global network

Join the network and exchange ideas with vapers and vape stores from all over the globe.

Seize the opportunity to connect with thousands of vapers and vape organisations worldwide.

For vape shops interested to extend a collaboration,
WVA offers a Premium Marketing Package

This includes:

Massively reduced ad prices
on the WVA Website
Cheap sponsor deals for
World Vape Day
Exclusive collaboration

Become an Ambassador

How to join…

It’s time for vape shops to raise their voices too!

Becoming a WVA ambassador is free, so if you want to join the alliance, please fill out the contact form.

You will hear from us shortly!

Join our Program

*Se nużaw l-informazzjoni li tipprovdi fuq din il-formola biex nikkuntattjawk dwar l-Alleanza Dinjija tal-Vapers u kwistjonijiet dwar il-vaping. Għal aktar dettalji, jekk jogħġbok aqra tagħna Regoli tal-privatezza.

Sib Ambaxxatur tal-WVA ħdejk

Uża l-mappa interattiva tal-lokalizzatur tal-ħwienet biex tfittex imsieħba Ambaxxaturi tal-WVA qrib tiegħek.

Appoġġ lill-WVA

Agħmel impatt

Il-World Vapers' Alliance ġiet stabbilita minn u tirċievi finanzjament miċ-Ċentru tal-Għażla tal-Konsumatur. Aħna nilqgħu finanzjament u donazzjonijiet minn imsieħba u donaturi individwali. Aħna kburin li għandna indipendenza sħiħa fil-ħidma tagħna. Aħna impenjati li nirrappreżentaw biss l-interessi tal-konsumaturi, nagħtuhom is-setgħa li jieħdu deċiżjonijiet infurmati dwar is-saħħa tagħhom stess u nappoġġjaw l-aċċess tal-konsumatur għal prodotti ta 'nikotina ta' riskju baxx bħall-vaping.