
WVA Denounces Hungarian Government’s Neglect of Science on Vaping

Budapest 27.09.2023. The Hungarian Government issued a statement on its anti-smoking measures, dismissing the significant harm reduction benefits of vaping and other smokeless alternatives. This stance not only denies globally accepted scientific consensus but also appears to deliberately undermine the proven success of countries like Sweden in their harm reduction initiatives.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, stated, “It’s deeply concerning that the Hungarian Government chooses to sidestep the vast body of scientific evidence supporting vaping as a viable harm-reduction tool. Their attempt to marginalise the success of the Swedish model is a regressive move and not befitting of a government that should prioritise public health.

  • Sweden has the lowest smoking rate in the EU and is the only country on track to achieve the EU’s smoke-free goal; 

  • In the last decade, the smoking rate in Sweden declined by 55%;

  • The average smoking rate in the rest of the EU is more than 3.5 times higher;

  • Smoking-related deaths are 22% lower in Sweden than the EU average;

  • Overall, nicotine consumption is similar to most other EU countries, but cancer incidence is 41% lower than in the rest of Europe, with total cancer deaths being 38% lower.

The statement is a written response (English translation Qui) to a question asked by MP Laszló Lukács regarding the future treatment of vaping by the Hungarian government and alludes to Hungary’s achievements, occasionally suggesting they surpass the efforts of other EU nations. However, their evident disregard for the very real benefits of products such as nicotine pouches, snus and e-cigarettes betrays a concerning disconnect from the international scientific and public health communities.

We can’t afford to let politics overshadow science, especially in matters of public health. Denying the positive impact of vaping and other alternatives, which have successfully reduced smoking rates in places like Sweden, is not only scientifically unfounded but also morally questionable,” Landl further commented.

The World Vapers’ Alliance calls on the Hungarian Government to recalibrate their stance based on evidence and to prioritise genuine harm reduction. Landl concluded by saying, “The goal should be clear: to reduce the harm of smoking. Hungary can’t achieve this by ignoring successful models and denying the science.


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