
Vape Travel 101: guida per i vapers ai viaggi aerei

If you have an upcoming trip and are feeling uncertain about bringing your vape along or where to store it, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips we’ve put together to help you better prepare for your travels. 

Can I travel with a vape?

Before delving into luggage specifics, we have to consider that vapes are unfortunately banned in many countries around the world. Therefore, your initial step should be to check vaping regulations in the destination country. For example, if you are travelling to India, you have to be extremely cautious, as the government banned vaping back in 2019 and you could face serious consequences, such as fines and even imprisonment. 

Where do vapes go? Do they belong in the cabin or checked bags?

Now that you’ve made sure travelling with a vape is safe, whether to have your vape with you or put it in checked-in luggage is a question. This one is easy: vapes do NOT belong in checked baggage, just like other electronic devices. Electronic smoking devices have lithium-ion batteries which classify them as hazardous materials. This is why they must always be carried in the cabin with you.

Keeping your vapes safe

The next thing to consider is safeguarding your vape device during travel. The device must be switched off and preferably disassembled, with tanks emptied and stored separately. This will save your tank from leaking and possibly breaking due to cabin pressure. If your device uses removable batteries, it is advisable to remove them and store them separately for added safety. 

To Vape or not to vape

This brings us to a critical point: Vaping might be 95% less harmful than smoking, but it does not mean regulations are 95% looser. Just to be safe, always assume that vaping is prohibited where smoking is prohibited. So, locate a designated smoking area at the airports and absolutely do NOT vape on planes. Although it might be challenging, especially on longer flights, there is always a way- consider using a nicotine pouch to manage your nicotine cravings. 

From understanding vaping regulations in different countries to ensuring the safe transportation of your device, travelling as a vaper adds an extra layer of consideration to an already stressful situation. Hope the information provided in this blog post will help you embark on your journey with confidence!

Check out our blog posts about vaping and travelling in specific countries:







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