
Regno Unito e Repubblica Ceca sono le destinazioni UE più convenienti per lo svapo

New research by the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has revealed that Poland, UK, Czech Republic, and Austria are the most budget-friendly European travel destinations.

The WVA collected pricing data and ranked the most popular vaping and alternative tobacco and nicotine products, across 13 European countries including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and the UK among others.

For vapers travelling across Europe, the UK and Czech Republic ranked the most budget-friendly options for closed- system vaping products, and Spain or France for open system devices. With regards to oral tobacco, Poland and Austria were found to be the most attractive.

“As vapers and travellers, we always run into the issue of finding desired products but also are frequently surprised with price differences. We hope this research helps vapers and alternative tobacco users more clarity on what to expect during their Christmas holiday travel,” says Mariam Gogolshvili, WVA campaign manager and co-author of the research.


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Lo svapo può salvare 200 milioni di vite e gli aromi svolgono un ruolo chiave nell'aiutare i fumatori a smettere. Tuttavia, i responsabili politici vogliono limitare o vietare i gusti, mettendo a rischio il nostro sforzo per porre fine alle morti legate al fumo.

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