Prawo dla Ludzi joins the World Vapers’ Alliance

I am delighted to announce that the World Vapers’ Alliance is welcoming a new partner: Prawo dla Ludzi .

Prawo dla Ludzi is a coalition of organisations advocating for civil liberties for Polish citizens, including the right to vape, at national and EU level. Established in 2013, they advocate for thoroughness and transparency in decision making and call for wide-ranging public debate on legislation that could infringe on the rights of citizens.

In Poland, as is the case right across the globe, vaping is coming under increased pressure from overzealous regulators. Meanwhile, vapers fear that their voices aren’t heard. Prawo dla Ludzi seeks to defend their rights and calls for more considered and transparent policymaking in Poland and the EU.

There are over 1 million vapers in Poland and the World Vapers’ Alliance is looking forward to working with our new partners to ensure Polish vapers voices are heard by policymakers.

Vaping has changed all of our lives for the better. As the World Vapers’ Alliance grows, our #vapersvoice cannot be ignored.

Welcome on board, Prawo dla Ludzi.


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Svapare può salvare 200 milioni di vite. Il 2022 è l'anno giusto per rendere questa opportunità una realtà. Fai sentire la tua voce. Unisciti alla nostra campagna. 

Unisciti a noi

Lo svapo può salvare 200 milioni di vite e gli aromi svolgono un ruolo chiave nell'aiutare i fumatori a smettere. Tuttavia, i responsabili politici vogliono limitare o vietare i gusti, mettendo a rischio il nostro sforzo per porre fine alle morti legate al fumo.

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