
KVA joins the World Vapers’ Alliance!

The WVA has a new member – the Korean Vapers’ Alliance!

The mission of the Korean Vapers’ Alliance is to ensure that vapers in Korea can enjoy vaping without challenges. KVA’s vision is to save vapers from unfair regulations. The association spreads awareness about vaping and aims to inform the community and the government that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking and is an effective harm reduction method.

The World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome our new partners and fight together to support vaping rights! 

More information about KVA is available at http://cafe.naver.com/kvapers


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Lo svapo può salvare 200 milioni di vite e gli aromi svolgono un ruolo chiave nell'aiutare i fumatori a smettere. Tuttavia, i responsabili politici vogliono limitare o vietare i gusti, mettendo a rischio il nostro sforzo per porre fine alle morti legate al fumo.

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