
A Short Lived Victory For THR in The EU As Previously Rejected Restrictions …

Last week, the European Parliament rejected a proposed resolution to treat vaping the same as smoking in outdoor spaces, marking a key win for science-based policymaking and consumer rights. However, EU health ministers have now endorsed the resolution, bucking Parliament’s rejection of the same recomendations.

Last week, the European Parliament rejected a resolution presented by the European Commission (EC), proposing restricting vaping alongside smoking in outdoor spaces. At the time, tobacco harm reduction (THR) experts commended the move, highlighting that by rejecting the resolution, policymakers have affirmed the distinction between vaping and smoking, and acknowledge vaping’s role as a harm reduction tool rather than equating it to smoking.

Sadly, the positive mood did not last long, as only a few days later it was ha annunciato that EU health ministers have endorsed the new EC recommendations to tighten restrictions on tobacco and aerosol products, despite the European Parliament rejecting the same proposal last week. The newly endorsed guidelines build on existing EU regulations established in 2009, introducing more comprehensive restrictions, the aim (supposedly) being reducing exposure to second-hand smoke and vapour, and promoting smoking cessation.

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Lo svapo può salvare 200 milioni di vite e gli aromi svolgono un ruolo chiave nell'aiutare i fumatori a smettere. Tuttavia, i responsabili politici vogliono limitare o vietare i gusti, mettendo a rischio il nostro sforzo per porre fine alle morti legate al fumo.

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