Mixed response to PM’s smoking and vaping announcements

In his speech to CPC in Manchester today, prime minister Rishi Sunak announced future government plans to change the law on the sale of tobacco so that the age of sale rises by one year, every year.

Sunak said: ““That means a 14-year-old today will never legally be sold a cigarette and that their generation will grow up smoke-free.”

Similar policies are already in place in New Zealand.

The prime minister stated that the vote will be a free vote and not one that is subject to a government whip.

He also outlined his concerns about the vaping category and the impact of disposable vapes, stating that he wants to ‘bring forward measures to restrict the availability of vapes to our children… looking at flavours, packaging, displays and disposable vapes.’

On tobacco legislation, ACS chief executive James Lowman said: “We will work with the government on how this policy will be implemented and enforced. Our sector has a proud record on preventing under age purchases, and we will continue to provide the advice members need to comply with whatever age restriction policy parliament decides on.”

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Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies. 2022 est l’année pour faire de cette opportunité une réalité. Faites entendre votre voix. Rejoignez notre campagne. 


Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies et les saveurs jouent un rôle clé pour aider les fumeurs à arrêter. Cependant, les décideurs veulent limiter ou interdire les saveurs, mettant en péril nos efforts pour mettre fin aux décès liés au tabagisme.

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