
Consumers respond to the SANT Committee Hearing: policy makers need to focu …

1 June. Brussels, Belgium — Today, on 1 June, SANT (Subcommittee on Public Health) held a hearing on “Preventing non-communicable diseases” to focus on possible solutions. With nicotine consumption being one of of the focus topics of the discussion, it becomes clear that there is still a lot of misinformation and innate prejudice towards harm reduction among the EU decision-makers, says Michael Landl, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, an association that amplifies voices of vapers worldwide.

«Si les maladies non transmissibles, telles que les maladies cardiovasculaires, les maladies pulmonaires chroniques et le cancer, doivent être la pierre angulaire du programme de santé publique de l’UE, il est également essentiel de poursuivre des approches fondées sur des preuves et des données scientifiques. Nous devons réduire les dommages réels et non lutter contre la consommation de nicotine en soi. La véritable menace pour la santé publique vient du tabagisme. Les produits alternatifs tels que le snus, le vapotage et les sachets de nicotine réduisent les maladies liées au tabagisme, car ils aident efficacement les fumeurs à arrêter de fumer. Lutter contre la consommation de nicotine au lieu de lutter contre les dommages réels aura des conséquences beaucoup plus néfastes.” said Michael Landl.

Among the addressed misconceptions about the role of harm reduction, stood out comments of MEP  González Casares and MEP Trillet-Lenoir. MEP González Casares commented: “One thing we do know that makes everything worse and increases mortality from cardiovascular disease is smoking. What we heard here is some defence of technique or devices in a broader world of tobacco consumption. Not long ago, there was a ban on vaping in some states. Some people say it helps you kick the habit, but if we talk about prevention, we talk about people not smoking or not getting a habit in the first place and this is the risk we should not take."

MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir commented: “We are here to address public health in a serious, science-based manner.” Yet, MEP addressed the study on the role of nicotine and snus in helping smokers quit, “as clearly the promotion of the harmful product, maybe not as much cancerogenic as tobacco but harmful however."

«Several studies, wide consumer preferences, and actual real-life examples such as the Swedish smoke-free goal achievement 17 years ahead of the EU target are strong evidence that harm reduction works and can succeed in preventing non-communicable diseases.” added Landl.

Following today’s discussion, World Vapers alliance urges the SANT committee to look into the BECA conclusion and embrace harm reduction tools.

World Vapers’ Alliance has released a comprehensive harm reduction fact sheet that contains a compilation of scientific studies covering nicotine use, role of flavours in e-cigarettes, and the impact of taxation on public health. Learn more ici


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Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies et les saveurs jouent un rôle clé pour aider les fumeurs à arrêter. Cependant, les décideurs veulent limiter ou interdire les saveurs, mettant en péril nos efforts pour mettre fin aux décès liés au tabagisme.

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