Interdiction des cigarettes électroniques jetables : un cadeau pour le marché illégal

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has slammed the Labour Party’s proposition to ban disposable vapes, warning that such a misguided policy could undermine public health efforts and hit the most vulnerable hardest.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, said:

“Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to ban disposable vapes is a direct attack on harm reduction and will hurt the very people Labour claims to protect. By making it harder for smokers to switch to safer alternatives, this policy is a gift to the illegal market. It’s disgraceful that a Labour government would push a policy that hits the poor the most, effectively taking away a vital tool that helps them quit smoking.”

The proposed ban on disposable vapes could reverse years of progress in reducing smoking rates in the UK. Recherche from UCL and King’s College London warns that such a ban could slow the decline in smoking prevalence, putting the health of 2.6 million people at risk.

“This isn’t just a step backwards; it’s a reckless move that could push current vapers back to smoking or into the illigal market, worsening health inequalities and jeopardising the health of millions”, Landl added.


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Le vapotage peut sauver 200 millions de vies et les saveurs jouent un rôle clé pour aider les fumeurs à arrêter. Cependant, les décideurs veulent limiter ou interdire les saveurs, mettant en péril nos efforts pour mettre fin aux décès liés au tabagisme.

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