
Activists Lament EU Stance on THR

The European Commission’s approach to tobacco harm reduction is out of touch with EU citizens’ views, according to the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA)

A recent public consultation on the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD), analyzed by Snusforumet, reveals a substantial consensus among citizens, NGOs and scientific institutions on the effectiveness of harm-reduction products in assisting smokers to quit.

A striking 77 percent of respondents recognize these products as helpful smoking cessation tools, while a mere 9 percent of EU citizens disagree. Furthermore, an overwhelming 82 percent of respondents refute the notion that new nicotine alternatives pose a risk to public health, with only 6 percent perceiving them as a threat.

“The EU Commission’s current stance on harm reduction is not just out of touch; it’s a blatant disregard for consumer opinions and scientific evidence,” said WVA Director Michael Landl in a statement. “It’s high time the Commission responds to the reality that harm-reduction products are not the enemy but a vital ally in the fight against smoking.”

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