
Peru towards global leadership: Peru’s opportunity in tobacco harm re …

Fellow vapers! I’m Alberto and in this blog I’m going to tell you about my recent experience in Peru, a country where a new regulation for e-cigarettes is being discussed that could help save hundreds of thousands of lives and serve as a reference for other countries in the region.

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Lima as Policy Manager of the World Vapers’ Alliance and to meet with some Peruvian congressmen to discuss the regulation of less harmful nicotine products that millions of people have already used to quit smoking around the world. My mission: to advocate for a differentiated regulation that recognises the potential of these products to improve public health.

The Peruvian context

Peru is at a turning point in the regulation of alternative nicotine products. Law 32.159, enacted in November 2024, establishes a regulatory framework for various tobacco and nicotine products. However, this law does not clearly differentiate between conventional products and less harmful alternatives, which could limit access to safer options for adult smokers seeking to quit or discourage them from switching. Whether the regulation is good or not will ultimately depend on the product regulation that the Ministry of Health is working on, details of which are not yet available.

WVA’s work in Peru

During my visit, I held several meetings with members of Congress to discuss the importance of this regulation and to ensure that it reflects the differences in health risk between e-cigarettes and combustion cigarettes. This difference should be reflected in lower taxes, fewer restrictions on sale and use, and more flexibility to inform about the products and promote them as a smoking cessation tool.

Our main concern, as well as that of the more than 200,000 vapers in the country, is that currently a working group has been formed with no representation from users or organisations that defend these products as an aid to quit smoking. The World Vapers’ Alliance has already asked to participate in this working group to ensure that the voice of Peruvian users is heard and that their experiences are taken into account when regulating nicotine products.

The importance of smart regulation

Proper regulation could provide Peruvian smokers with safer options that significantly reduce health risks compared to traditional cigarettes. This would result in a decrease in smoking-related deaths and diseases in Peru, which could save more than 7,000 lives per year and save the Peruvian state more than 2.5 billion soles annually.

Looking to the future: Snus and nicotine pouches

In addition to advocating for a differentiated regulation for e-cigarettes and heated tobacco, we are also working for products such as snus and nicotine pouches to be included in future regulations. 

These products, which are currently unregulated in Peru and hardly marketed, have proven to be effective in reducing smoking in other countries, especially in Sweden. We therefore want them to be regulated so that Peruvian smokers also have the opportunity to use them to quit smoking.

The way forward

Peru has the opportunity to join countries such as the UK, Sweden and New Zealand, which have adopted progressive approaches to tobacco harm reduction. These countries have seen significant declines in smoking rates by adopting policies that recognise the potential of alternative nicotine products. 

Peru is in a unique position to become a regional and global leader in the use and regulation of these products. By seizing this opportunity now, the country can not only improve the health of its citizens but also establish itself as a role model in Latin America. 

As a representative of the World Vapers’ Alliance, I will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that the voice of users and harm reduction advocates is heard in the Peruvian regulatory process. Stay tuned for more updates on our work in Peru and around the world – together, we can make a difference!


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Toimi nyt!

Vaping voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa ihmishenkeä. Vuosi 2022 on vuosi, jolloin tämä mahdollisuus tehdään todeksi. Nosta ääntäsi. Liity kampanjaamme. 

Liity meihin

Höyrystäminen voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa henkeä, ja makuilla on keskeinen rooli tupakoinnin lopettamisessa. Päättäjät haluavat kuitenkin rajoittaa tai kieltää makuja, mikä vaarantaa pyrkimyksemme lopettaa tupakointiin liittyvät kuolemat.


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