Leaked Documents Indicate EU Plans to Ban Nicotine Pouches

A report by the European Commission (EC) leaked last week, indicates that the European Union (EU) is completely ignoring the success achieved by Sweden thanks to snus, and is not only praising the EU-wide snus ban for its alleged success, but is also recommending that it is extended to nicotine pouches.

A distressing post on X by MEP Charlie Weimers, has indicated just how out of touch the EC is. A leaked report by the Commission boasts about the EU wide snus ban, and its alleged success, hence fully ignoring the fact that Sweden has only reached its smoke-free goal thanks to being exempt from this ban.

To add insult to injury, the EC goes on to suggest that the current snus ban is extended to nicotine pouches. In response, World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) director Michael Landl, highlighted the commission’s obliviousness.

“Swedish smoke-free success is not a miracle — it is a result of the nation-wide evidence-based policy in support of the less harmful alternative to cigarettes. Since the world started celebrating Swedish success in reaching the 5% smoke-free goal, all eyes went on the EU as a driver of harm reduction and innovation. If the EU Commission moves on to further extend the snus ban to nicotine pouches, it will not only jeopardise its own smoke-free goals but will put smoking-cessation efforts under threat worldwide,” said Landl.


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Vaping voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa ihmishenkeä. Vuosi 2022 on vuosi, jolloin tämä mahdollisuus tehdään todeksi. Nosta ääntäsi. Liity kampanjaamme. 

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Höyrystäminen voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa henkeä, ja makuilla on keskeinen rooli tupakoinnin lopettamisessa. Päättäjät haluavat kuitenkin rajoittaa tai kieltää makuja, mikä vaarantaa pyrkimyksemme lopettaa tupakointiin liittyvät kuolemat.


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