Bloomberg Invests $420 Million in More Ineffective Tobacco Control Strategi …

Bloomberg Philanthropies has just announced it will be putting $420 million towards reducing tobacco use globally, sadly focusing on outdated anti-smoking policies that do not work.

Given the agency’s hostility against tobacco harm reduction products, vape advocates sadly expect further anti-science misinformation campaigns against harm reduction, explains a press release by the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA).

“The reality is that Bloomberg Philanthropies systematically ignore the wealth of scientific evidence pointing to the benefits of vaping, not to mention the first-hand experience of millions of vapers. Vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking and a more effective method to quit smoking than traditional therapies such as gum and patches. Restricting or banning access to vaping will do nothing but cost lives,” said WVA director Michael Landl.

“This announcement shows Michael Bloomberg is doubling down on his ideologically driven fight against harm-reduction and vaping in particular – ignoring all accompanying negative consequences of his policies,” added Landl.


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Ehkä sosiaalisen median syöte?

Toimi nyt!

Vaping voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa ihmishenkeä. Vuosi 2022 on vuosi, jolloin tämä mahdollisuus tehdään todeksi. Nosta ääntäsi. Liity kampanjaamme. 

Liity meihin

Höyrystäminen voi pelastaa 200 miljoonaa henkeä, ja makuilla on keskeinen rooli tupakoinnin lopettamisessa. Päättäjät haluavat kuitenkin rajoittaa tai kieltää makuja, mikä vaarantaa pyrkimyksemme lopettaa tupakointiin liittyvät kuolemat.


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