
El aumento del impuesto al vapeo anunciado por el Reino Unido pone en peligro el éxito del país...

London, UK – Today the UK government anunciado a new tax on vaping products. This move raises significant concerns for the country’s harm reduction policy trends, which has previously boasted its leadership in smoking cessation efforts.

The recent policy changes, including the proposed generational ban for less harmful heat-not-burn products and disposable vapes, are a step in the wrong direction, says the head of the global vaping consumer movement, World Vapers’ Alliance, Michael Landl.

“Higher prices for less harmful vapes are placing the lives of millions of former smokers and current vapers in jeopardy. The cost is a high determinant for switching to less harmful options and this will only make alternative products less affordable. It’s illogical to discuss reducing taxes for individuals while simultaneously raising taxes on smoking cessation aids,” said Landl.

According to the reports, the UK Treasury expects to raise more than £500m a year by 2028-29 between the vaping tax and the increase in tobacco duty.

“Just last year, the UK government took a pioneering step in harm reduction policy by introducing the innovative ‘swap to stop’ program. The new tax increase is a huge step backwards and risks leading to the growth of the black market and illicit trade in e-cigarettes and other nicotine-containing products,” añadió Landl.

“The UK should follow the example of Sweden which last year lowered the tax on snus, its leading harm reduction product. Now, Sweden is about to become the first smoke-free country in the world. The UK could be the leader of smoking cessation thanks to vaping.” concluded Landl.

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Vapear puede salvar 200 millones de vidas y los sabores juegan un papel clave para ayudar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar. Sin embargo, los legisladores quieren limitar o prohibir los sabores, poniendo en peligro nuestro esfuerzo por acabar con las muertes relacionadas con el tabaquismo.

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