54,000 Voices Ignored: EU Health Ministers’ Flavour Ban Push Threaten …

Brussels, 19.06.2024 – Vapers across Europe have raiseed the alarm before the EPSCO Council meeting on Thursday, where Ministers will make aggressive push to ban flavours in safer nicotine products.

This move bypasses democratic processes and disregards the voices of 54,000 citizens who have signed a petición against such a ban organised by the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA).

“Every year, 700,000 lives are needlessly lost in the EU due to smoking-related diseases. By recklessly pushing for a flavour ban on safer nicotine alternatives, they are playing with lives and ignoring the clear will of the people. It’s time to stop this madness and listen to science and the citizens they serve,” said Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers Alliance.

The European Commission has yet to consult the public on a new Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). This delay has left a void that Ministers aim to exploit, sidelining the necessary scientific evaluation, public consultation, and parliamentary scrutiny.

Record numbers of submissions marked the European Commission’s initial Consultation, primarily from citizens supporting safer nicotine products.

Flavours play a significant role in helping adult smokers transition away from cigarettes and maintain abstinence from smoking. Ignoring this fact endangers public health and disregards the overwhelming support from European citizens who have voiced their opposition to a flavour ban.

The WVA calls in an carta abierta on EU Health Ministers to reject the flavour ban proposal and instead focus on policies that are informed by science and reflect the will of the people. As the next iteration of the Tobacco Products Directive is considered, it is imperative that EU policymakers recognise the importance of alternative products in reducing smoking rates and protecting public health. “This isn’t just about regulation, it’s about lives. We must prioritise harm reduction and listen to the voices of the people,” añadió Landl.


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Vapear puede salvar 200 millones de vidas y los sabores juegan un papel clave para ayudar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar. Sin embargo, los legisladores quieren limitar o prohibir los sabores, poniendo en peligro nuestro esfuerzo por acabar con las muertes relacionadas con el tabaquismo.

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