
French authorities confirm: Vaping should be used as a quit tool

The official Cancer Institute of France has recently recommended that people can use vaping to help them quit smoking, as that it is less harmful compared to smoking. 

The report is further confirmation that vaping is less harmful than smoking and an effective quitting aid. The fact that yet another official government agency is confirming these facts, should push governments to follow the evidence and stop the crusade against vaping. They should be supporting smokers to switch to vaping instead.

Ο report, published today, states that:

  • “The electronic cigarette can be a tool to help stop smoking. Used alone and not in combination with the traditional cigarettes, it helps reduce the risks associated with smoking” and
  • “Without tobacco, the electronic cigarette does not work by combustion. When you “vape”, the flavoured liquid (which may contain nicotine) is heated and transformed into droplets of vapour and air. This way you avoid most of the carcinogenic substances in cigarettes.”

Apart from France, in the UK, Public Health England (also an agency of the Ministry of Health) is actively recommending smokers to switch to vaping. At the same time, other countries like Germany have increased vaping taxes enormously, and the Netherlands is banning flavours. Such actions ignore science and millions of consumers who already successfully quit smoking thanks to vaping.

Due to a progressive approach, the UK sees better results in reducing smoking compared to countries where vaping is restricted. The UK’s successful public health and vaping policies should be followed by other countries around the world as well. If France follows in their footsteps, they will see similar success.

Ερευνα shows that laws that facilitate and encourage vaping as a means to quit smoking, could help nearly 200 million current smokers switch to vaping – a 95% less harmful alternative. Later this year the global COP 9 conference and the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) update by the EU will set the direction for tobacco control policies -including vaping- worldwide. Millions of vapers and current smokers are hoping that the decision-makers will follow the science and encourage smokers to switch and guarantee access and affordability of vaping products.


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