
WVA äußert sich besorgt über den Ausschluss von Verbrauchern und die Irreführung durch die COP10 des FCTC …

New Delhi, Delhi, India:  As the 10th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control convenes, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is raising a critical voice against the exclusion of consumers from the decision-making process and the potential implementation of measures that could severely undermine harm reduction efforts globally.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, emphasises the gravity of the situation, saying “At COP10, decisions are being made without the input of those most affected – the consumers. This exclusion is unacceptable. Harm reduction saves lives, and it’s imperative that this is recognised and integrated into global tobacco control policies. The proposed measures at COP10 could drastically restrict access to safer nicotine alternatives. These include equating these alternatives with traditional cigarettes, prohibiting flavours that are essential in aiding smoking cessation, and implementing other restrictive policies.”

Landl further states, “The potential restrictions being considered at COP10 are not just counterproductive; they’re a threat to public health. Restricting access to safer nicotine alternatives will only drive people back to more harmful smoking habits and potentially to the black market.”
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