US Smoking Rates Hit All-Time Low, Thanks to Vaping

26 August 2024 – According to a new Gallup poll – a recent article from the New York Post highlights that cigarette smoking in the US has dropped to an all-time low of 11%. Among young Americans, smoking is even less common, with just 6% of people under 30 saying they light up. However, what’s missing from the conversation is the crucial role that vaping has played in achieving this public health milestone.

Michael Landl, Direktor der World Vapers' Alliance, kommentierte:

“The US is on the verge of having a smoke-free Gen Z generation, yet instead of celebrating, vaping is under attack. This doesn’t make any sense. The latest smoking rates clearly show that the myth of vaping being a gateway to smoking needs to be put to rest. Vaping is not a gateway to smoking; it’s a gateway away from smoking. Harm reduction works, even though politicians are making it harder for smokers to switch. It’s time to wake up!”

The Gallup poll results make it clear that treating vaping as a consumer-friendly option is not just a matter of preference but a public health necessity. Every smoker who switches to vaping is making a choice that could extend their life and lessen the strain on healthcare systems. Despite the overwhelming evidence, policymakers worldwide are pushing measures that could undo the public health progress we’ve seen.


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