
Thousands of Swede Vapers Could go Back to Smoking if Flavours Are Banned

Last month Sweden’s Ministry of Social Affairs announced plans of a vape flavour ban. Tobacco harm reduction groups are highlighting the repercussions this would have on former smokers.

The announcement has certainly taken many by surprise, especially given that in 2018 Sweden reached a Smokefree status by endorsing the use of another nicotine alternative product.

Discussing the planned flavour ban, director of the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) Michael Landl, has recently said that if the measure goes into effect, the 150,000 former smokers in Sweden who are now vaping instead, could be forced to switch back to smoking. “Banning flavours could force thousands of former smokers in Sweden to take up the habit once again. Research shows vapers are more than twice as likely to quit with flavours. If they are banned, 150.000 vapers – the equivalent of almost the entire population of Uppsala – would lose their flavours and could go back to smoking. This would be a major setback in the fight against smoking and its related illnesses.”


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