
The Global Movement Towards Disposable Vapes’ Bans: Why is it Worrying?

Only days ago, Vaping Post outlined New Zealand’s progressive and successful smoking cessation strategy, one which is drawing the nation closer to achieving its smoke-free goal. However the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has just expressed serious concerns over the country’s recent decision to ban disposable vaping products.

Announced by New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, the ban prohibits the production and sale of all non-rechargeable and non-refillable vapes, including single-use devices like pre-filled tanks, pods, and cartridges. WVA Policy Manager Alberto Gómez Hernández, emphasized that while preventing teenagers from using nicotine products is essential, strict age regulations are key to achieving this.

On the other hand, the proposed ban clearly overlooks the important role that disposable vapes play in helping adult smokers quit cigarettes. Banning disposables and pod systems for adults could harm public health and undermine the smoke-free progress achieved in recent years. The WVA is urging New Zealand’s health authorities to reconsider this prohibitionist stance and to continue supporting progressive tobacco harm reduction strategies that have been successful in lowering local smoking rates.

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