
Schweden reduziert den Tabakkonsum weiter: Ein Beispiel, das die EU nicht länger ignorieren kann

Brussels, 13.11.2024—Sweden has achieved a remarkable milestone, reducing its smoking rate to just 5.3% – nearly reaching the EU’s target of below 5%. While other countries struggle to meet this goal by 2040, Sweden stands on the brink of success. In stark contrast, the EU as a whole is projected to miss this target by 60 years.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, praised Sweden’s achievement:
“Sweden’s success is a clear result of its sensible and science-backed harm reduction approach. Instead of demonising less harmful alternatives like snus, nicotine pouches, and vaping, Sweden embraces these products and regulates them based on risk. This approach has saved countless lives and provides a roadmap for the EU. It’s time for the EU to follow Sweden’s lead to reduce smoking rates across Europe.”


  • Sweden’s overall smoking rate declined from 5.6% in 2022 to 5.3% in 2024
  • Sweden’s overall male population (4.9%) and people born in Sweden (4.9%) are smoke-free
  • Overall nicotine consumption increased from 18.5% in 2022 to 20.2% in 2024

Sweden’s strategy includes a progressive stance on harm reduction: Snus, nicotine pouches, and vaping products are accessible, and for example, snus is taxed proportionally to its risk, unlike in many EU countries where these products are heavily restricted or banned. This risk-based approach has enabled smokers to transition to less harmful products, contributing significantly to Sweden’s record-low smoking rate.

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) urges the EU to abandon its restrictive approach towards novel nicotine products and instead adopt Sweden’s consumer-friendly, evidence-based strategy. This approach has clearly demonstrated its effectiveness in rapidly reducing smoking rates and improving public health outcomes across the nation.


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