Bericht weckt Bedenken hinsichtlich der Transparenz der EU

A recent report raises alarming concerns over the transparency and inclusivity of the forthcoming COP10 meeting for the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, says the World Vapers’ Alliance. Seven EU member states have expressed significant reservations regarding their diminished roles and the Commission’s deviation from established practices.

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance, stated: “It’s deeply concerning that such pivotal discussions affecting millions of vapers and smokers across the EU might not reflect all member states’ diverse views and interests. The Commission’s evident anti-harm reduction stance starkly contrasts several member states that have been more progressive and successful with their harm reduction policies. These nations deserve to have their voices amplified and heard.”

According to a report produced by Politico, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Romania, and Slovakia have jointly released a statement highlighting the Commission’s shift from the usual consensus-based approach to using Article 218 (9) TFEU.

This gives the Commission a more centralised role in the Panama negotiations, side lining individual countries. The countries stressed the success of the consensus model in the past nine sessions and regretted the lack of a detailed explanation for the change.

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