
MVA joins the World Vapers’ Alliance!

The WVA welcomes a new member – Malaysian Vapers Alliance!

The Malaysian Vapers Alliance is a non-profit advocacy group that supports the use of vaping products to help smokers quit. The group is committed to empowering consumers and representing their interests in various legislative, policy and, regulatory spaces. MVA knows that vaping has already changed the lives of millions of smokers for the better locally and globally, and to continue in this goal of a smoke-free future, regulators should develop a framework for vaping that is differentiated, and evidence based.

Regulations must strike a balance between ensuring vaping products are available for smokers who want to switch to a less harmful alternative and ensure these products are not marketed or sold to young people.

The Malaysian Vapers Alliance has three major objectives:

  • Ensure the voice of Malaysian vapers are heard
  • Ensure accurate information on vaping is disseminated
  • Ensure vape regulations serve the needs of the local vaping community

The World Vapers’ Alliance is thrilled to welcome MVA under its umbrella and fight for vaping together!

More information about MVA is available here: http://www.malaysianvapersalliance.com/



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