Experts Discuss The Possible Repurcussions of the United States’ Withdraw …

Among the numerous controversial bills signed by Trump in his first few days as re-elected President of the United States, is one which would withdraw the States from the World Health Organization (WHO). What impact is this expected to have on tobacco harm reduction (THR)? Experts in the field Clive Bates and Michael Landl discuss.

Picking up where he left off in 2020 before the change of administration, earlier this month Trump reintroduced a bill which would withdraw the United States from the WHO. The U.S. has historically been a key player in global health policies, including tobacco control and harm reduction efforts. However, with its decision to withdraw from WHO, there are significant implications for the future of THR policies worldwide.

In an episode of Vaping Uplugged Podcast, hosted by the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) Director, Michael Landl, Clive Bates, Director Counterfactual Consulting Ltd, discussed the best-case and worst-case scenarios of this move, and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The main points of the discussion centered around the influence of the WHO on THR policy, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the declining trust in the WHO and the implications of the U.S. withdrawal.

Best-Case vs. Worst-Case Scenarios for THR

The episode highlighted that while the WHO does not have direct authority, it influences policy through “soft power” and recommendations. The organization is known to provide reliable guidance on disease outbreaks (Ebola, Malaria, etc.) but struggles with behavioral health issues like tobacco control. With regards to the latter, it tends to adopt an ideological stance rather than a science-based approach.

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