

Make your Voices Heard!

Michael Landl

“Decision-makers need to hear from us. They need to hear our stories of how vaping has changed our lives. They can’t ignore us any longer!”

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Make Your Voice Heard

The World Vapers’ Alliance amplifies the voice of passionate vapers around the world and empowers them to make a difference for their communities. Our alliance includes groups representing vapers – our partners – as well as individual vapers from around the world. Contribute your testimonial and join their ranks!

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The Voices of Vapers

Nelson Dias

I started vaping because I wanted to quit smoking. This was the best choice I have ever made. Please, consider vaping as another solution for smokers. Don’t ignore us.

Elisa Lanni

I was introduced to e-cigarettes a few years ago to reduce the number of cigarettes I consume. And I have to say that this is very effective because today, I no longer buy cigarettes, and I do not smoke anything except e-cigarettes.

Marcel Gewehr

I used to be a heavy smoker and since I decided to vape I am very happy about it – it is healthier, more fun, and tastes better. Vaping is a great alternative to smoking.

John Smith

“Vaping has saved my life, and allowed me To easily quit smoking.”

Adam Ryder

“Vaping provides the easiest, and most enjoyable way to quit smoking. Vaping all the way!”

Catalyna Novichkina

“I always struggled to quit smoking. Switching to vaping was the only solution that helped me do it.”

Catalyna Novichkina

“I always struggled to quit smoking. Switching to vaping was the only solution that helped me do it.”

Adam Ryder

“Vaping provides the easiest, and most enjoyable way to quit smoking. Vaping all the way!”

John Smith

“I always struggled to quit smoking. Switching to vaping was the only solution that helped me do it”

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Die World Vapers' Alliance wurde vom Consumer Choice Center gegründet und erhält von diesem auch finanzielle Mittel. Wir freuen uns über finanzielle Mittel und Spenden von Partnern und Einzelspendern. Wir sind stolz auf unsere völlige Unabhängigkeit bei unserer Arbeit. Wir haben uns verpflichtet, ausschließlich die Interessen der Verbraucher zu vertreten, sie in die Lage zu versetzen, fundierte Entscheidungen über ihre eigene Gesundheit zu treffen und uns für den Zugang der Verbraucher zu risikoarmen Nikotinprodukten wie Vaping einzusetzen.