
EU Health Ministers Urged to Champion Tobacco Harm Reduction

Brussels, BE, 23 April 2024 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) calls for immediate action from EU health ministers to adopt science-based tobacco harm reduction strategies amidst delays in tobacco legislation. The call comes as health ministers gather in Brussels for a two-day EPSCO meeting where the European Beating Cancer plan is one of the key topics of discussion.

Michael Landl, Director of the WVA, criticises current policies, stating, “The EU Commission is deaf to the science on tobacco policies. It is crystal clear that safer nicotine alternatives such as vaping or pouches are significantly less harmful than smoking and effectively aid in smoking cessation. EU health ministers have a critical opportunity this week to advocate for sensible regulations that could prevent 700,000 unnecessary deaths annually due to smoking. The Beating Cancer Plan acknowledges that vaping can help smokers quit. Politicians must act accordingly. ”

Landl emphasised the potential turning point the meeting could represent, “This meeting should mark the beginning of driving the EU towards a smoke-free future. Health ministers should take inspiration from Sweden, poised to become the first smoke-free country in the world, thanks largely to the adoption of safer and less harmful alternatives. It remains vital that the EU follow their example and enforce sensible regulation.”

The urgency of this issue is echoed by over 35,000 citizens who have signed the “Jedes Leben zählt” petition, demanding that the EU embrace harm reduction principles in its tobacco policy. The WVA urges the EU Commission and health ministers to heed both scientific evidence and consumer advocacy to implement harm reduction policies that can save thousands of lives.


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