
World Vapers’ Alliance: “Sweden must defend its successful harm reducti …

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is urging the Swedish government to protect its consumer-friendly approach to snus, vaping, and nicotine pouches in the face of opposition from the EU and WHO.

Sweden is on track to become the first country in the world to achieve a daily smoking rate below 5%, making it a smoke-free nation, 17 years ahead of the EU’s target. However, both the EU and WHO are pushing for further restrictions on vaping and nicotine pouches, while disregarding the positive impact of Swedish snus and nicotine pouches.


On May 4th, the World Vapers’ Alliance held a demonstration outside the Swedish Parliament, encouraging politicians and decision-makers to defend the successful Swedish approach in their interactions with the EU and WHO.

“The Swedish example of risk-based policies has proven to be effective: in the last decade, the smoking rate in Sweden has declined by 55%, and this year Sweden is about to become the first country in the world to become smoke-free. At the same time, the EU and the WHO keep ignoring Sweden and push for the opposite approach. Flavour bans, generational smoking bans, higher taxes and so on are still on the table – the exact opposite of what Sweden is doing. It is time for the Swedish government to speak up and defend the Swedish harm reduction approach internationally. Otherwise, the success of the past is in great danger, and Swedish consumers will suffer from terrible international legislation” said Michael Landl, director of the WVA.


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