
Should UK Tax Disposable Vapes?

The organisation ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) are one of the many calling for an additional Tax on UK Disposable Vapes.

As predicted there has been a huge backlash against disposable vapes, with many concerns such as ease of access for under age vapers, waste and environmental damage.

I am writing this from a pretty neutral stance – I can see the appeal of disposables for those who may have physical difficulties or simply not quite technical enough to operate other types of vape. I know if she was still alive my Mom for instance would choose a disposable.

Also for those wanting to try vaping without a large outlay for equipment may choose a disposable – hopefully transitioning to a refillable device over time.

I personally see disposables as a short term solution for most people and would encourage them to upgrade to refillable kits as soon as possible. It is in their benefit to do so as you have more freedom of e-liquid choice and of course less expense and waste.

I am also aware of the excessive waste issues and believe there should be incentives for users to return the empty vapes for a free device to encourage recycling.


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