
100,000 Citizens Say ‘No’ to EU Overreach!

Brussels, November 21, 2024 – The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) is proud to announce that over 100,000 consumers have united in a powerful call to protect vaping and promote harm reduction across Europe. As Sweden approaches its goal of becoming the first smoke-free nation, discussions around the EU’s flavour bans, restrictions on nicotine pouches, outdoor vaping bans, and increased taxation threaten to undermine these significant public health advancements.

Michael Landl, Director of the WVA, said: 

The EU’s misguided crusade against vaping and harm reduction is a public health disaster in the making. Flavour bans, outdoor vaping restrictions, and increased taxation will only drive people back to cigarettes. The EU must urgently shift its focus to evidence-based policies that actually save lives and empower consumers to quit smoking for good. The voices of 100,000 consumers demanding this change must not be ignored. We’re calling on MEPs to listen to their constituents and embrace policies that work.”

Sweden’s open approach has led to a smoking rate of just over 5%, while the EU is on track to meet its smoke-free goal by 2100—a staggering 60-year delay. The WVA urges policymakers to prioritise consumer choice and health by adopting evidence-based regulations that support safer alternatives.


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