WVA Welcomes Former Health Minister and Vape Association as Members

The World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) has just announced two additional members on its Advisory Board: Former Georgian Minister Andrew Urushadze and President of ANPVU Italy, Carmine Canino.

The addition of these members is expected to help strengthen the voice of the Alliance and bring additional expertise that will help drive the WVA to fulfill its important work. Former Health Minister Andrew Urushadze said he hopes he can contribute in a way to give more consumers a voice. “It is crucial that consumers are heard and the WVA enables them to raise their voices. Vaping can help many people to quit smoking,saving millions of lives, so it is time that policymakers start to listen to them and to science. That is why I hope I can contribute to this important work. It is a great pleasure to support the WVA.”

Carmine Canino, is believed to be a great contribution to activism in Europe due to his experience as a President of a vape group. “In the coming months, decisive challenges to the future of vaping await us, including the European Beating Cancer Plan, the revision of the European Directive on Tobacco Products (TPD) – which regulates vaping – as well as the discussion on the Tobacco Taxation Directive. This is why it is so important to make our voice heard. It is my pleasure to contribute to the great work of the WVA in this role especially in Europe.”


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